Monday, 9 February 2015

Magical Monday

Ron and the Flying Car

Hey there everyone! Okay, so I know I have taken an obscene amount of time off from my blog, but I now feel refreshed and ready to get back into it.

There are going to be some changes, I am not setting a goal to get a post out each and every day since I feel that I compromised the quality of my work in order to get one out each day. I am aiming to put a post out to you guys maybe twice a week, and if I do more then that will be an added bonus - but how about we aim for Monday & Friday for now. Recently I have been using Instagram instead of blogging, and by following this link here, you can get straight to my IG account and follow me on there. There may be things appearing on there which don't make it to the blog like small tutorials and nail designs etc.

Harry Potter Ron Car Nails Magic Monday - BGPOLISHSo how about we talk about the reason for this post other than just me?! Sounds good. So on the right you can see that I have been painting nails to do with Ronald Weasley and his dad's Flying Car. I am doing these nails in collaboration with Alicia over at FixinToFaff and you can find her post about her Ron&Car nails Here. And she has also launched a Giveaway which you can find here, because she has reached a certain amount of followers on Facebook and IG. Congrats Ali!

Right, back on point. How did I do these nails?! Well, lemme tell you - they took some time! I painted all of my nails with 2 coats of Baby Blue by Claire's Accessories, for being one of those cheap polishes, I actually really like this one! I used this polish because I wanted to have a running theme between all of my nails to do with the car, considering I tried painting a car.. and well.. it was horrendous. Couldn't do it, so I thought I would try and make something work without having to paint one of those Ford Anglia's (got to be the hardest thing I have tried since blogging!).

Harry Potter Ron Car Nails Magic Monday - BGPOLISHSo with these nails I did a running theme of things that happen to Ron throughout the whole movie, he really doesn't have great luck in this movie - poor guy. On my pointer I have painted the moment where his wand snaps during the attack of the Whomping Willow on their rush to attempt to make it to the school on time, to paint this design I used Acrylic paint before top coating. After this nail I then moved on to the middle nail - and this is where things began to go wrong. I attempted to paint Harry and Ron inside the Car, but let's just say that it didn't work. Big Blobs of orange and Blue everywhere. Not. Pretty. So I went with the idea that I would paint the bonnet and the headlights instead. For this I used Barry M Silver Foil and Orly Melodious Utopia. Moving on to my ring finger is where I painted Ron. I tried to get his comical scared look - but again, my mind was better than my painting skills, and so I painted the top of his head and surprisingly he reminds me of something out of South Park. I used Acrylic Paint and Barry M Satsuma to get his hair on there. And lastly was the pinky finger, which was relatively simple. I used CICI&SISI Plate 01 to stamp on my spider web in Barry M Matte Black, because of Ron's intense fear of spiders, which also features the Car as it saves him and Harry from the incoming horde of spiders which fully intend on eating them.
Harry Potter Ron Car Nails Magic Monday - BGPOLISHI top coated all of these nails with a nice coat of Seche Vite and hey presto - finito. I will say that these were painted on False nails and then attached for the photo's. This is because my nails are in the process of re growing, and also I find it a lot easier to paint designs like this where I am able to take breaks and come back to it, especially with having a toddler running around.
I really hope you have enjoyed this post, and if you have please feel free to share it around and let people know about it, recreate it and tag me in your photos and subscribe and come back for more in the future!
I am thinking that I will be back very shortly, but until then, I hope you are having a lovely day and see you soon!


  1. Replies
    1. Aw thank you! I think they're my favourite HP nails so far!


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