Tuesday, 31 May 2016


Coming to terms with mental health.

mental health |bgpolish.blogspot.co.ukSo for a while I have been dealing with major issues with my mental health, one day I will be bed ridden and cant face the world,whereas others I am more able to put a face on it. My mental health has almost always been something to be concearned about, but I don't always know it at the time. I am going to explain what life is like for me at the moment, without putting any labels to whatever it is thats wrong with me, afterall it's the psychiatrists job to diagnose, right?

Monday, 30 May 2016

Movie Review: Filth **SPOILERS**


I have to say, this was a film I wanted to see instantly, because I am a very big fan of Irvine Welsh and his amazing books from Edinburgh. I am a huge Trainspotting fan, and will gladly be going to see the sequel when it comes out in the cinema later in the year. But of course we are here to talk about Filth, about the mental state of Bruce Robertson. Read on to find out what I thought about the film and what I thought of James McAvoy's performance.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Clean Carrot & Corriander Soup Recipe

Clean Carrot & Corriander Soup - with a twist!

Google Generated | BGPOLISH.BLOGSPOT.CO.UKSo here I am! My first Recipe. At first I was unsure whether or not to have this section go live on my blog, but then I thought - Why not? Why not share all of the things I am cooking at home in order to make my life a little better? I have found that I need somewhere to store all of my Recipes, so I can look back on them when I need a little inspiration for things to make for dinners. I am also going to be trying out alot of different ones I wouldnt normally enjoy, because I need to taste more, I need to find more clean recipes, and I want to have more things I can cook at home for my daughter and boyfriend. Keep reading for the ingredients list and method of cooking along with my conclusion on how I think this one went and if I would make it again!

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Juice Plus+ Journey

 Making changes. 

Google Generated | BGPOLISH.BLOGSPOT.CO.UKSo some people may go through life being endlessly happy with the way they look and how feel about their body, I however am not one of those people. I am constantly making excuses for my weight and why I wont lose any, when in reality it is down to laziness and laziness alone. Most people wouldnt be bothered by the weight I carry, but somehow it always manages to bother me. Read on to find out what I plan to do about it. 

Monday, 23 May 2016

Movie Review: Pompeii (2014) **SPOILERS**

Pompeii (2014)

They did make the posters look totally bad ass..
 This is a film I wanted to see for a long time, but in the normal way I do things, I say I want to see it and completely forget about it for a couple years. I wanted to see this film for one reason, and one reason alone. Kit Harrington. His role in Game of Thrones is absolutely spectacular, and this makes me want to see more of his work. Keep reading to find out what I thought, who I thought had the best and worst performace and how I think the screen writers did on recreating the true story of the pompeii disaster.

Sunday, 22 May 2016


Take each day as it comes. 

This weekend has been spent with my daughter, it has been spent playing shops in the park and racing for who can get down the slide first. We have spent time chasing birds, watching bugs and most of all - loving each other. The photo I attached along side this was her caught completely off guard, she wasn't making a funny face for the camera and she wasn't playing up, this is just a genuine photo of the pure cheek and attitude in my perfect three year old daughter.

Friday, 20 May 2016

Review of Jenny's Wedding (2015) **SPOILERS**

Jenny's Wedding. 

Google Generated | BGPOLISH.BLOGSPOT.CO.UK I picked this movie to watch, solely on the fact that one of the main actresses has been in films I recognised and enjoyed before. Katherine Heigl played Jenny in this film, which was solely about her family becoming aware and used to the fact that she was a lesbian. She has played in other films such as Knocked Up, 27 Dresses and Life as we know it. All of which I have previously enjoyed. I did have a pre thought about what this movie would entail as she has been playing the unlucky in love character throughout her career, but I was completely blown away when I was wrong. 
Her family had the same idea as me, that she was waiting for 'the one' and wouldn't settle for anything less, and were completely shocked when she said she was gay and not only that, but she was going to be marrying her roommate and starting a family with her. 
Read on for what I thought about this film, would I recommend it? Who's performance would I rate the most?

Thursday, 19 May 2016


10 Steps to not being an asshole in public. 

Step One: Do not, under any circumstances walk in front of me and then slow down, not only is it very rude, but it is also down right annoying. If I so happen to have my child in her buggy, please be prepared for me to run up the back of your heels. 

Step Two: Keep your tongue in your own mouth at all times. Do not butt touch, don't kiss (unless its a peck goodbye), don't fondle and certainly do not swap any kind of bodily fluids. Some people just ate lunch, I know you might be hungry but DOWN SOLDIER. 

Step Three: Don't yell at your already screaming toddler. The chances are, the poor child doesn't understand that your benefit money wont stretch far enough for him to have the tenth ride on the shop toys. This is not his fault. I get it, you're in a rush, or you're tired because the little shit kept you up all night, and he's acting out - so what. Millions of parents managed to keep their child in tact throughout the last 100 years, so I ask you to do the same thing. Discipline him, but not by screaming at him in the middle of Tesco's bread isle.

Step Four: Please, if you are on the phone, understand that they can hear you and you do not need to shout, because trust me, you're talking so loudly you don't actually need the phone to communicate with them. 

Step Five: If you must use your car/motorbike, please try your very best not to be a complete imbecile. Know where you are going, and do not use the wrong lane at traffic lights or roundabouts in order to get to where ever it is faster. Don't drive like a total fucking idiot, and please do not cut off other drivers.

Step Six: Wait your turn. I do not care if you just need to ask the cashier a question, I have waited in the queue, and so shall you. 

Step Seven: If you are lucky enough to be able to have children, please, PLEASE, do not leave them in the pushchair outside the corner shop. I understand that you are only going in for a second, for the pint of milk, the bag of nappies and the 40 pack of cigarettes, but please understand that this is unfair on your child, and it makes you look like a tink. 

Step Eight: Don't spit. Ever. Unless you are at home, in the comfort of your own bathroom brushing your teeth, then there is absolutely no need for your saliva to exit your mouth. 

Step Nine: Don't shit in public toilets. Unless it is an absolute emergency, or you have a young child with you, there is absolutely no need for it. You are more than capable of going home for your daily dump. 

Step Ten: Always, ALWAYS, say thank you when someone holds a door open for you. It is manners, and they cost nothing my friend. 

Yep, you guessed it, this post was a rant. I am constantly facing all of these things and more in Greater London. I could probably have come up with 50 ways not to be an asshole, but I thought that would be taking it a bit too far. Have you got any pet hates? Or have you seen anything particularly horrendous in public? Pop it in the comments - I will always reply :)


Today I am torn by what I want to do and who I want to become in my life. My anxiety and depression are making it almost impossible to focus on anything that isn't my own self loathing. I had no idea that I was going to be writing this post, but yet here I am.  I realised that all of the photo's of me on here are older, so I thought I would include one that I took on Monday :) Keep reading to find out about my broken toe, and my new additions to the family!

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Hello old friend.

I'm back bitches. 

Wow, it's been a really long time right? I'm sorry for abandoning you :(
Keep reading, I shall explain..