Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Hello old friend.

I'm back bitches. 

Wow, it's been a really long time right? I'm sorry for abandoning you :(
Keep reading, I shall explain.. 

So, my reason for coming leaving? Well that's a tough one, I split with my husband (who turned out to be an asshole!), I packed myself and my daughter up and moved us to London to be closer to my family, and I have been going through the motions ever since. 

It has only just recently struck me that I missed having somewhere to vent to, even though I think I did very well of sheltering everyone online from everything that was going on in my life at the time, in fact I am sure I sheltered pretty much everyone but a few of the things I had going on, which hasn't been good for my mental health. 

I am back because I want something to call my own, I miss feeling the sense of pride I had when I would look at my blog and think of all of the hard work I would put into it, I thought about starting a fresh because I am not as nail orientated as I once was, but then changed my mind when I realised what that would mean for me. All of the endless hours I spent working on this blog, I will still be posting about nails, and beauty, but also about films I have watched, and places I have been and things I have going on in my life. 

I have added the links to my new twitter and instagram, and I guess I will speak to you soon, if there are any of you left. I am working on new things for this blog, looking into having different pages in order for it to be easier to navigate through the blog and you only have to read the pages which interest you the most.. but it may take me a moment or two to work out how to do this exactly and what subjects I will talk about. 


  1. This sounds dreadful :( I'm sorry you and your daughter had to go through that :( Hopefully time really is a healer and you'll be happy again soon. Sending lots of love and hugs! <3

    1. Thank you Gillie <3 It's been a tough old year, but things are turning around now, and hopefully everything is back on track! x


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